Could You Be a Lawyer?

$150,000 starting salary, working on large matters of great importance? Or $200,000 in debt and 3 years lost in order to get a constraining job you don’t like, making any more than you could before?

Pursuing policy objectives or helping those truly in need? Or furthering other peoples’ agendas and helping them game the system while being legally constrained from doing what you believe is right?

See also…estate planning lawyer.

Should you go to Law School?  Do you want to be a lawyer?

Should You Be A LawyerThis site seeks to help you answer those questions by giving you an objective view of the legal profession.  Lawyers spend 3 years and incur high debt to earn a law degree, so anyone considering law will want to evaluate whether they truly want to be lawyers – whether they like the work itself, and whether they can accomplish their career goals or public interest objectives. The field is highly regulated and bureaucratic, and these factors can limit the ability to pursue these goals.

The first two categories, Career Goals, and Public Interest Objectives focus on some common tangible objectives people have for becoming lawyers – increased salary, to get experience useful in other lines of work, to fulfill various public policy goals, or helping less fortunate people with their legal problems. The 3rd and 4th categories, Life Satisfaction and Analyzing & Solving Problems focus on the law itself – the method of thinking employed, the personality types encountered, and the overall career satisfaction of lawyers.

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Should I Be a Lawyer?

If you have ever wondered if a career as a lawyer is right for you, there are a few things to consider. First, lawyers operate in a high-stakes and demanding environment but have the power to make lasting changes in people’s lives. If you’re passionate about defending individuals’ legal rights or eager to uphold the law, then a career as a lawyer may be perfect for you. Becoming a Lawyer in Florida: A Guide

To be successful as a lawyer, certain abilities are essential. You must be able to think critically, build strong arguments, be persuasive, and have a sense of justice. A commitment to hard work is also necessary — becoming a lawyer means embarking on extensive study, training, and dedication that many other professions do not require.

Before taking the steps to become a lawyer, it’s important to ask yourself why you want to pursue this career path. If your desire to help others drives you, or if you’re motivated by a need to seek justice, then being a lawyer can be an extremely worthwhile endeavor.